校长:Daniel Bowyer, B.A., B.Ed., OCT

我叫Daniel Bowyer, 是Toronto eSchool的现任校长,拥有PQP校长资格和安省OCT教师资格证。我拥有超过30多年的教育经验。在过去的十三年,我一直担任Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga多个公立学校的副校长,担任安省历史和社会科学协会的省级负责人,我还是美国历史IB老师。我帮助安省教育部起草过很多课程教学要求。此外,我还积极参加各种社会活动,担任男女生曲棍球教练,带领队员多次取得OFSAA省级冠军奖杯。最后我还是安省曲棍球名人堂主任和圣凯瑟琳博物馆的历史学家。

My name is Daniel Bowyer. I have been involved in Ontario Education for over 30 years, the last thirteen of which have been as a Secondary School Vice-Principal in Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga. For over twenty years, I was a member of the Ontario History and Social Science Teachers’ (OHASSTA) Provincial Executive and am also certified as an International Baccalaureate History of the Americas teacher. I have done a variety of curriculum writing for both the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario College of Teachers. Apart from my administrative roles, I also took time to Coach both my school’s Boys and Girls Field Lacrosse teams, taking many to the OFSAA provincial championships. Finally, I am currently the Historian/Director of the Ontario Lacrosse Hall of Fame and Museum in St. Catharines, Ontario.

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