Congratulations on your offer of admission 2023


Hi students, Congratulations on your offer of admission! Follow the instructions in your admission file and make sure you really understand all its conditions. The offer almost always has conditions. You must accept your offer of admission by the deadline indicated.        

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Why a Ministry-inspected School Important for your OSSD Diploma


The inspection and approval of an online school by the Ministry of Education is important for your OSSD Diploma and University admission: Quality Assurance: The Ministry of Education inspects schools to ensure that they meet certain standards and requirements for education. This includes ensuring that the curriculum is appropriate and up-to-date, that the teachers are…

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Ontario online learning credits are becoming a trend

Online Learning Credits

About online School Online School, also known as e-School, offers secondary students an opportunity to take courses that are delivered entirely using the internet and do not require students to be physically present in the classroom, where classes are taught virtually when in-person learning is not possible (for example, on snow days or during other…

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Apply to College or University with an OSSD

Earn OSSD Anywhere

How do I apply for admission to a College or University? Each college or university can decide on admission requirements and select which students to accept. Generally, you can apply to a college or university in 1 of these categories: Ontario Universities’ Application Centre-OUAC   A student’s OSR may reside at another public or private…

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How to Get High Marks of Grade 12 for Admission to University

MHF4U Advanced Functions Grade 12

How to Get High Marks of Grade 12 for Admission to University Are you worried about your final marks of Grade 12 for admission to University? Follow your dreams and change your life! You do not have to wait until you complete the courses at your home school. It is the time to start/upgrade your…

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Happy Lunar Year 2023


From all of us, here at Toronto eSchool and Toronto e-Learning School, we would like to wish our students, parents, teachers and business partners, a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year of the rabbit! 🧧 Principal Dan Bowyer 兔子象征复苏,繁荣,美好与团圆。玉兔迎春,春节来临之际,多伦多在线高中全体员工给大家拜年了!感恩和珍惜多年来一直关心,支持,信赖我们的学生,家长和合作伙伴,祝福所有朋友兔年吉祥,宏兔大展,前兔似锦! Vice Principal Rebecca Wang  

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MCV4U Calculus & Vectors Grade 12 Online Course


MCV4U Calculus and Vectors Grade 12 MCV4U Calculus & Vectors Grade 12 is one of the major compulsory courses for most majors of admission to all universities. Get ready for university applications in Ontario with Toronto eSchool’s Grade 12 Calculus and Vectors course. Course Title: Calculus and Vectors, Grade 12, University Preparation Course Name: Calculus and Vectors…

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ENG4U English Grade 12 Online Course – Toronto eSchool OSSD Credit


ENG4U English Grade 12   ENG4U English Grade 12 is one of the major compulsory courses for admission to all universities. Get ready for university applications in Ontario with Toronto eSchool’s Grade 12 English course. Course Title: English, Grade 12, University Preparation Course Name: English Course Code: ENG4U Grade: 12 Course Type: University Preparation Credit Value: 1.0 Prerequisite: ENG3U, English, Grade 11, University…

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