Ontario Moves Schools to Remote Learning Following Spring Break


  Continued Rise in COVID-19 Cases Demands Shift to Protect Students and Staff and Slow Community Spread April 12, 2021 Office of the Premier TORONTO — The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has made the difficult decision to move elementary and secondary schools to remote learning following the April…

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Thanks Message from One of Our Students


Very helpful school, I am in TDSB system, and this year due to the pandemic, I was splitted into a quadmester online school system, my calculus course is placed in quad 4, which is a prerequisite course for my preferred program. Already I was in a disadvantage compared to everyone else who applied to this…

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U of T plans for fall semester with most courses and activities offered in person


  With mass vaccinations underway in Canada, the University of Toronto is preparing for a safe return to in-person courses and other activities across its three campuses this fall. “Starting this September, we are optimistic that most courses, student services and co-curricular activities will be able to proceed in person, with the possible exception of…

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Congratulations on your Offer of Admission


Hi students,Congratulations on your Offer of Admission to top university! All of your hard work has paid off and wishing all the best for all challenges ahead!   #universityapplication #onlineschooling #InternationalStudents    

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The Revolution CONT’D


  How has media been implemented in the present-day teaching model, especially in the current situation of Covid-19?  The straightforward answer would be – simply the embracement of virtual school. Foreseeing the prospective reliance on teaching and learning virtually, the Toronto eSchool provides students with adequate student support, academic counselling, university preparation – across media. …

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The Revolution


  When I came across the idea of virtual school, the phrase unbreakable thread has come to my mind. Growing up in a period within which physical attendance in class is much appreciated and acknowledged, never have I ever imagined that virtual teaching and impartation could change the landscape of education.   I grew up…

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How risky are Ontario schools for COVID-19 transmission


  Question: Would you consider #virtualschool as safer than #birckandmortar school? #grade9#grade10#grade11#grade12#education#university How risky are Ontario schools for COVID-19 transmission? A Star analysis of population-adjusted infection rates over the last two weeks finds that 24 of Ontario’s 34 public health units fall within the CDC’s two highest categories for risk.   How risky are Ontario…

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Wish Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021


  From all of us here at Toronto eSchool, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support and encouragement throughout all of 2020. As the year winds down and as we gather to celebrate this festive time of year and the heralding of a 2021 New Year I wouldn…

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