Posts by admin
University of Waterloo Workshop at 4-5 PM on Nov 11, 2019 Monday
Come and engage with the admission recruiters from University of Waterloo. You will get a chance to meet with them and ask one-on-one questions. All students and parents are welcome! Light refreshment will be provided at the event. See you at Toronto eSchool ! #university#universityapplication#waterloouniversity#fallapplication#torontoeschool#highschool#ontario
Read MoreENG4U MHF4U MCV4U are the most important for Admission to Universities
ENG4U MHF4U MCV4U are the most important for admission to universities. ENG4U English Grade 12 is a compulsory course for admission to all programs and MHF4U Advanced Functions and MCV4U Calculus and Vectors are the primary courses for all engineering and Business programs. ENG4U English 12 course emphasizes the consolidation of the literacy, communication, and…
Read MoreTrent University Workshop 2020
University Application Workshop 2020 November 02, 2019 Saturday @12:00PM-15:00PM 41 Metropolitan Road. Toronto. ON M1R 2T5 (HWY401/Warden) Come and engage with the admission recruiters from Trent University. You will get a chance to meet with them and ask one-on-one questions. All students and parents are welcome! Light refreshment will be provided at the event.…
Read MoreNiagara College Visit and Tour
What a great visit! Here are some pictures of this wonderful moment over a pleasant meeting with Sean. C, Director, International Division and Dave. T, former AVP from Niagara College yesterday. It’s our pleasure to discuss some potential collaborations in the future. #torontoeschool #grade12 #pathway #ontariocollege #collaboration @ TorontoeSchool
Read MoreToronto eSchool signed a pathway agreement with Trent University at OUF19
Toronto eSchool signed a pathway agreement with Trent University at OUF19, building solid pathways to Trent University for more international Students in Canada.As the #1 Undergraduate University in Ontario Canada, Trent University attracts excellent students all over the world. Trent University will provide a letter of intent for eligible students planning to attend…
Read MoreA Thank You Letter from a Student’s Family Received 11 University Offers in 2019
Nowadays, more and more parents send their children abroad to study. Through my daughter’s study journey in Canada in the past few years, I want to share my story of how to help her success. My daughter got eleven offers to all universities applied with entry scholarships. Teenagers who wish to achieve satisfactory results…
Read MoreMHF4U Advanced Functions Grade 12 – Toronto eSchool
MHF4U Advanced Functions Grade 12 is one of the three most important courses to get admission to universities. Finish your MHF4U credit course online within 4 weeks or up to 12 months. Self paced courses with no deadline. Start your class anytime and anywhere. Online/onsite tutoring to get high mark assignments. MHF4U Advanced Functions…
Read MoreMCV4U Calculus and Vectors Grade 12 – Toronto eSchool
MCV4U Calculus and Vectors Grade 12 is another important course to get admission to universities. MCV4U – Calculus and Vectors Grade 12 builds on students’ previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rates of change. Students will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of vectors and representations of lines and planes…
Read MoreBOH4M Business Leadership Online Course – Toronto eSchool
BOH4M Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals Course Title: Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals 12, University/College(BOH4M)Course Name: Business Leadership: Management FundamentalsCourse Code: BOH4MGrade: 12Course Type: University / College PreparationCredit Value: 1.0Prerequisite: NoneCurriculum Policy Document: Business Studies, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2006 (Revised)Course Developer: Erin Weir (Ontario)Department: Business StudiesDeveloped By/Date: Toronto eSchool, 2016Revised By/Date: Toronto eSchool, 2016 BOH4M Course Description : BOH4M – Business Leadership Grade 12 online…
Read MoreESLEO English as a Second Language Level 5 — Toronto eSchool
Placement of ESL students in High School: After ESLEO students would be prepared for grade 11 regular English courses. ESLEO English as a Second Language, Level 5 online course provides students with the skills and strategies to make the transition to academic preparation courses in English. ESLEO English as a Second Language, Level 5…
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