Online Learning Implementation Update

From: “FSB-Private Schools and International Education Unit (EDU)”
Date: September 6, 2022 at 2:37:27 PM EDT
Subject: Online Learning Implementation Update/Statut de la mise en œuvre de l’apprentissage en ligne
Memorandum to: Principals of Inspected Private Schools
Principals of First Nation/Federally Operated Schools
Principals of Inspected International Schools
From: Julia Danos
Executive Lead
Education Reopening Secretariat
Subject: Online Learning Implementation Update
In February 2022, the ministry issued the online learning graduation requirement as described in Policy/Program Memorandum (PPM) 167.
Ontario families and employers expect a modern education system to provide students opportunities to develop the digital literacy and other transferrable skills they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world. Expanding access to high-quality, teacher-led online learning provides students with these skills and greater choices no matter where they live or go to school.
Unlike remote learning (as per PPM 164: Requirements for Remote Learning), online learning is not intended to mirror in-person learning as students are able to engage in online learning at any time and at any place given the more asynchronous, and greater independent nature of this learning modality.
Online learning courses are delivered virtually and do not require students to be physically present with one another or with their teacher in the school, except where access may be needed for examinations, internet connectivity, learning devices, or other school-based supports. Teachers leading online courses are encouraged to develop processes known to support student success (e.g., being available for student questions and clarifications; using individual and small group check-ins; hosting virtual office hours).
All online learning credits earned at a school authorized to offer credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma may count towards the graduation requirement. Credits that do not count towards the online learning graduation requirement include those earned through in-person, remote or blended learning (e.g., students participating in remote learning for an entire school year, students completing cooperative education where any part is in-person).
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to expand access to high-quality online learning opportunities for students.
Julia Danos